Clan Coutts Society

Clan Coutts Society

Acknowledgment - Coutts Sailors' Home restored to former glory.

The National Trust of Australia acknowledged the work we have done recently by shortlisting the Coutts Sailors Home renovation for a Heritage Award.

OK so we didn't win - but it was a competition against Councils and architects etc!!

We are still very proud of what we have done, and we always refer to our home as 'Coutts'!

When we bought it it was a construction zone. There were hardly any floors or ceilings, no power, no plumbing, just walls inside. The original two storey verandah had been demolished as it was unsafe, and some work had been done on the outside

We took it from this 

to this:

You can see more about the restoration on the blog www.couttssailorshome.blogspot ...and we are still looking for photos (or even better an original painting of the dear Rev. Coutts if anyone knows of any!!

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