Clan Coutts Society

Clan Coutts Society

DNA Research

DNA Research is a new and fascinating area of enquiry to augment traditional research. The Coutts name has a relativeley small global population and, I believe, a relatively small area of origination, around Cromar, Aberdeenshire. I am curious to see what results may occur from this line of enquiry. I have yet to try this area.


I note that some commercial DNA researchers provide the opportunity to set up a name reseach area on their website. This would provide a great opportunity for Coutts' to collaborate in this area. This also provides an opportunity for someone to lead this line of enquiry in colloboration with me.


A very useful summary of the methods, opportunities and limitations of DNA Reseach follows:


A very comprehensive list of resources around this are of research follows. I have yet to have the time, and patience, to undertake the required reading to understand the process and opportunities.


My wife's family used this online supplier. It was quite satisfactory and 'trees' can be created, it does not seem to have name collaborations.

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