Clan Coutts Society

Clan Coutts Society


Society of Antiquaries of Scotland is the oldest antiquarian society in Scotland, founded in 1780

Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland is a fabulous resource of surveys, maps, plans and images. Two Coutts examples follow:

While not listed under Coutts the following croft/ farm/ lime kiln was occupied by the Coutts. The author's great grandfather was born, and departed for Australia in 1850, from there:

The following websites are recommended for their incredible resources:  Aims to photograph every Ordinance Map grid square, it is searchable, this example is for Couts Rocks. amongst other things has records of place names for Scotland, names are also linked to maps. It is a subscription service.

National Library of Scotland - maps - zoomable Ordnance Maps  a 500 year collection of maps. Editions are zoomable and searchable. Very powerful.


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