"Stone of the Coutts" or,
"Coutts Stone" or,
Clach a'Chouttsaich,
Under the Tab titled "Lore" are exerpts of a number of 19th century books that reference similar variations of events at Clach Choutsaich, "The Stone of the Coutts".
" ..........On growing up, they were put into possession of a great part of Cromar, and kept themselves a distinct clan. ..........Near a hill in Corgarff called Diedhsoider a smart battle took place between the Clan Coutts and Clan Allen of that place, about the year 1508 ; and some miles farther up Corgarff, where the Vannich Hill rises, near a hunting-shiel belonging to Sir Charles Forbes, is a large stone known as the 'Clach Couttsich',where the captain of the party was killed, the rest having all been cut off save one.....The Braemar highlands: their tales, traditions and history, By Elizabeth Taylor”
We have pursued extensive searches to locate the various locations mentioned. Research currently indicates 4 similarly names Clach's. This pages deals with the CLach that is located in the area described in the Lore. The 3 alternative Clachs are mentioned under a further tab.
Thanks to Peter Aikman for answering my queries and hiking in to take these photos
"Place Names of West Aberdeenshire”
“Cloch Chouttsach (Corgarff). The Couttse's Stone, or as in the O.S.
map, Coutt's Stone — Clach a Choittsaich. The former is as I have always
heard it in the district. The stone is said to commemorate the Couttses
of Cromar who fell in a contest with the Allens of Corgarff. One of the
peaks of Ben Avon bears the same name, but there is no tradition con-
nected with it” http://archive.org/stream/placenameswesta00mackgoog#page/n138/mode/1up
A summit of W Aberdeenshire, Clach Choutsaich rises to 718m (2355 feet) on the northern flank of Brown Cow Hill, 3 miles (5 km) west southwest of Corgarff Castle. http://www.scottish-places.info/features/featurefirst43881.html
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