A Clan resource for Scottish Coutts, Cootes, Coates, Cults, Colts and similar variations*
Did you know?
- Legend tells of a mighty Clan Coutts
- Geography tells of Coutts Island, Islet, Inlet, Lake, Lagoon, River, Creek, Gully, Reef, Point, Cape , Town and Village
- History and Geology tells of Clach Choutsaich, “The Stone of the Coutts”
- Heraldry records at least 7 Scottish Coats of Arms.
- Finance tells of The Coutts Bank – Her Majesty the Queen's Bank.
Clach Choutsaich - "Stone of the Coutts", Corgarff, Aberdeenshire.
Welcome to the Website for the Clan Coutts.
Having spent many years undertaking our individual genealogical research we are developing an Association for the many Coutts worldwide to improve their knowledge of their family history. It is evident that there is not a lot of information available in a central point, online, regarding the Coutts Family and this is a start
The Clan Coutts Society web site has been formed so that Coutts descendants can learn more about their ancestry. As a member of the Clan Coutts Society, you'll have access to all of this web site, through which you'll be able to communicate with others who share your interest in news of the clan and Scottish heritage. You will also be able to learn about the history of our clan, our people, our tartan. Membership in the Clan Coutts Society is absolutely free, and hopefully provides some fun.
Some of the primary objectives of the Society are to reunite all those with the name Coutts and associated spellings from around the globe as one Clan with one useful web resource. To research, collect histories, biographies and genealogical information relevant to those of the name Coutts. In the above tabs, and many sub-tabs, is a lot of detail regarding the research todate. Perhaps we could eventually begin an international collaboration to start the long journey to have our Clan officially recognised? Currently we are beginning with the Scottish heraldry and history of Coutts and Cout(e)s and Couttes. Later we will look at the English families and the Scots Colt's and Coat(e)s who use similar Armorial Bearings.
If you want to post your family details, or you have a good story, please also let us know, it is easy to create a page. Please become a member by signing up, it takes no time and needs participation to thrive.
1. Family names include Coutts, Couttes, Cout, Couts, Coutes, Coutis, Couttss, Coutys, Coot, Coots, Cootes, Coats, Coates, Quhilts, Cowts, Cowtes, Cowltis, Cowtis, Cowttis, Cottis, Cotis, Coittes, Coittis, Cutis, Cult, Cults, Cultis, Coult, Coults, Coultes or Colt. One common connection is usually the use of the "stags head and pheon (arrow)" in the family coat of arms. The variations often arose because many were illiterate and a scribe noting a birth or death could use many spellings for what he heard.
2. This is site is built with a Ning Social Community platform which has some limitations. Please explore content under both Tabs AND Drop-down Tabs
3. We are not undertaking genealogical research or advice and can't respond to such requests. Please see our Links area for helpful links. We are posting information and links which we have collated. If you wish links, information or photos posted we encourage you to contact us - its easy to add a new page.
Posted by Malcolm Coutts on April 7, 2019 at 3:48am 0 Comments 0 Likes
First mention of "Coutts" in available records
A 100km circle around that spot would still have the most dense population of Coutts on Earth. Look elsewhere on Clancoutts.org for references to Cromar and Aberdeenshire
Posted by Malcolm Coutts on April 6, 2019 at 6:11pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Malcolm Coutts on April 6, 2019 at 1:53am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Diane Kinloch on October 28, 2018 at 5:23pm 0 Comments 1 Like
I have to apologise.
We have been reliably informed that the portrait previously posted by us of the Rev James Coutts is not actually the man himself but is a portrait of Reverend David Brown by artist James Coutts Michie. https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/reverend-david-brown-104966 ;
Janelle Byrne is a recent Coutts Society member and the Rev James Coutts was her…
ContinuePosted by Diane Kinloch on May 29, 2018 at 2:07pm 0 Comments 1 Like
The National Trust of Australia acknowledged the work we have done recently by shortlisting the Coutts Sailors Home renovation for a Heritage Award.
OK so we didn't win - but it was a competition against Councils and architects etc!!
We are still very proud of what we have done, and we always refer to our home as 'Coutts'!
When we bought it it was a construction zone. There were hardly any floors or ceilings, no power, no plumbing, just walls inside. The…
ContinuePosted by Diane Kinloch on January 30, 2018 at 9:33am 0 Comments 1 Like
Coutts Sailors' Home was named for Rev. James Coutts. He negotiated with the government to acquire the land and raised much of the money to build the home as a safe haven for sailors staying in the port of Newcastle, Australia. Its opening was considered so important that there was a public holiday a marching band and a big party!
The foundation stone was moved to a wall some time later. It…
ContinuePosted by Colleen Anne Hunter on February 19, 2017 at 4:05pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
I have just Joined the "Clan Coutts"
I am a decedent of George and Mary (nee Peggie) Coutts (3x great grandparents on my Fathers monthers side of the family) who married 26th May 1834 in the Parish of Dron, County Perth in Scotland.
Mary's parents were John Peggie and Margret Corbet who married in Strathmiglo in 1808
It is thought that George Coutts was born in about 1814/15 in Deeside.
Their Daughter Ann Coutts born in Glasgow, Lanark Scotland March 6th…
ContinuePosted by Malcolm Coutts on May 28, 2016 at 1:46pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Malcolm Coutts on May 11, 2016 at 9:37pm 0 Comments 3 Likes
A Coutts family history Its not too often you see this:" a connected family database of some one hundred and ninety thousand people on some thirteen thousand pages." There are many COUTTS!
Posted by Malcolm Coutts on May 11, 2016 at 6:15pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
A Coutts family history Its not too often you see this: "a connected family database of some one hundred and ninety thousand people on some thirteen thousand pages." There are many COUTTS!
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